Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007

The TourMyCountry.com Blog finally goes Online!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I registered this account on blogger.com quite a while ago, but I have been busy working on articles for the main webiste: www.TourMyCountry.com. So, what is this blog about?

Obviously, about my website - but not just about it, the blog should also provide additional or current information about Austria that would not be appropriate for the webiste. One example: There is a breathtaking exhibition in the Galerie Belvedere on Austrian art from around 1880 to 1960 in comparison to styles from that period in Paris: http://www.belvedere.at/jart/prj3/belvedere/main.jart?rel=de&content-id=1173990963421&reserve-mode=active

Otherwise, I will also use the blog to post links to websites I just discovered and that match the field of interest of www.TourMyCountry.com. That is the second reason why I started it. And here is an example of it: http://www.planet-vienna.com/ offers tons of great photographs from the Austrian capital Vienna.

The third reason is for you: I would like to allow interaction with my users. So far, I have received a few very friendly e-mails, but eventually I would like to allow people to get involved with the website beyond that. I am currently thinking about some ways to get there, but so far, posting comments here is probably the easiest way.

Anyways, I hope the blog will be as successful as the main website is starting to become: Yesterday we had more than 200 unique visitors!
