Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008

New features on TourMyCountry

In the past two weeks, I have implemented a few changes to the layout and added a search box to every window. You have to have JavaScript enabled to use it, but from what I see, it works very well - thank you, Google!

Otherwise, I have started to write on more articles dealing with "off-the-beaten-track attractions" in Vienna. Unfortunately, there is ways too many topics that I would like to work on - too much to say, too little time. However, I plan to get beyond the 700 article border by the end of July.

Note also the new Vienna webcam directory.

Happy Austria Travel!


Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008

Layout changes and search function

Ladies and gentlemen,

I has been a bit quiet this last couple of weeks - this is due to obligations with the sister-project, which got a new photo gallery (see post below) and a face-lift.

However, I have not stopped working on TMC - in fact, I did quite a few things, especially with the layout and code. The latter one deals with things that the "ordinary" reader will barely (if at all) note, but I hope that it will help the website to gain some importance with google and other search engines.

Meanwhile, please note the exciting search tool box that I have added on almost every page of the website - with some 650 articles online, it got increasingly difficult to keep an overview; the search box will help you to find your way round. Best,
