Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009

Back after a long break

Wow, this has been a long break here on the blog - I just realised that I havn't posted in five months. That doesn't mean that I didn't work on TMC - the returning visitors among you will know that I have actually developed the contents of the website quite excessively in these months.

I will give the most recent additions in a separate post; meanwhile, a message I received yesterday and that I enjoyed reading:

Hello Benedikt --

I've been browsing through your site the past couple of weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't always agree with you, but it's my own fault, really. I lived in Vienna (which you seem slightly less fond of) for five years as a UN brat (so I guess it's really my dad's fault) and have happy, sticky-sweet, nostalgic thoughts about living there again some day. A lack of German and/or independent means and/or EU status is keeping that little dream neatly tucked away where it doesn't cause too many problems. Unless I see a particular shade of yellow or come across a great little site like yours.

Anyway...keep up the great work and the sarcasm. ESPECIALLY the sarcasm. It makes your site refreshing and so much what it is.

Cheers! xxx (New York, NY)

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