Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

Prosit Neujahr - Happy New Year!

Oh well, the new layout that I had promised to be implemented by Christmas hasn't happened yet; however, I did spend some time on TourMyCountry.com and created a directory of districts of Austria - there you can browse the provinces, districts and all muncipalities of the country altogether with maps of each area. For example, to find a list of all communities of the Flachgau or "Bezirk Salzburg Umgebung". This is not overly useful for the ordinary tourist, but provides me with a "red line" through the country and the sightseeing articles I have done and will do in the future.

Speaking of the future: A very happy new year! As for resolutions, I plan to play with the layout of the website and want to "return" to the Vienna section to add more content there. Specifically, I would like to do a district-by-district guide to sightseeing. Furthermore, Styria and Carinthia could use some more attention. We'll see how the traffic picks up this year.

Finally, a current piece of information: There is an apparently very nice show on Alice motives in fine arts for children currently shown in the MMK in Salzburg.


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